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Old 02-20-2009, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital View Post
Ok I understand you want to see this tank from scratch so here is the full tank build thread,

I also should state, I have met Simon, he is highly respected in the UK network and would only use products that worked.
Everyone who puts something into their tank is coming to claim this

Just look at the support for products like purple up or people who think aragonite is going to dissolve in their tanks...
Not saying that the 'ol Lith doesn't work, I use zeovit and i swear when i open the bottles i smell vineger and vodka..i think even if they don't work they provide enough illusion that they work which forces the users to do the most crucial part of a great reef...regular orderly upkeep and maintenance. <--which i think is the key to a great reef...most totm caliber tanks have all this in common. But there are a lot of totm caliber tanks that do lousy maintence (if they are telling the truth) so who knows. I don't think it can hurt a tank...and it probably does help....the degree to which it helps though is honestly only able to be judged if you use said system (zeo, lith whatever)

Since using zeo i've noticed changes that were not there this zeovit doing it? I dunno, but i like what is happening so i continue to use it.
There are simply too many variables i think in reefkeeping to say 100% yes or no to this type of product. With my own personal experiences in zeovit compared to others...some get bad cyano...i get none of that...etc. I think one needs to experiment on ones tank in order to gauge the effectiveness of any product, the amount of experimenting you are willing to do is...well up to you. To claim that using ultralith your tank will look like the guy in the uk is false advertisement i think....would be better to say it has the potential to look like that (of which i have no real doubt it couldn't...given time)

Hope that made sense....I'm bust reading adorno for a paper..and a little zonked.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

Last edited by Pan; 02-20-2009 at 10:57 PM.