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Old 02-19-2009, 09:40 PM
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Not to worry I have a skimmer on it right now and have to do 25% water changes daily or more if I feel I need to. She's pretty little about 3" and all by herself. She has lots of swimming room, and a watchful eye on her. I took the day off of work to set up the tank and catch her. Now I have twice as much work for me tomorrow but so far she is alive and that is what counts. I am optimistic at this point since she seems much better already.

Originally Posted by mark View Post
not sure the problem with the fish, but in such a small QT need to be careful with the ammonia build up. Depends of course on fish and tank size but can get a lethal amount in almost a day.

As for Meth blue seen referenced for a FW Dip (and have used myself) but not continuous.
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