02-19-2009, 08:02 PM
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Creighton, SK
Posts: 952
Originally Posted by Diana
Hi there,
I did a saltwater tidepool tank a few years back. I just had it for 4 or so months during the summer. It went very well, until I added a few mussels that died and caused a bad ammonia spike, so I shut it down. But it was neat! Had little tidepool anenomes, hermit crabs, snais, barnacles, seaweed, a small purple starfish, and even a little scooter-type fish.
I may try one again one of these days. It would be best with a chiller, but all those critters can survive at the ~70F room temps I had.

Oh yeah forgot to say that little tank looks pretty cool... CW tanks look very unique compared to the ubiquitous 'coral garden' look of lots of tropical tanks.  Though that's cool too.
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...