So I've had a bad first week with this tank. Bringing back some memories of past FW tanks. They may not be the best memories but I'm determined to get this to work this time.
I've had temperature problems and it seems my apartment isn't warm enough. My shrimp were starting to act funny so I checked the temp and it was at 64F!

I put a heater into the tank and set it for 74F.
I also noticed scum and plant floating on the surface. When I went to net it out there was alot more than it seemed. I did a 50% water change to be safe and dosed 0.4mL excel and iron.
Some of the plants are turning clear and others are just fine, I don't know why.
I hope the shrimp pull through but if they don't I'll just run it planted for a month or two then try again.

Once I have the tank stabalized @ 74F I'm going to hide the heater behind the plants.