Thread: jaw fish
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Old 02-19-2009, 03:51 PM
scumchug scumchug is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Victoria
Posts: 89
scumchug is on a distinguished road

I have two of them for over a year now. No problems what so ever. They originally made their homes about 12 inches apart. There was a constant battle until one moved to the other end of the tank. Now they don't see each other everything's fine. I would suggest a closed top tank. Every once in a while they like to break the surface. I have a canopy so they have never jumped, but i'm pretty sure if I didn't they would be dead a long time ago. Both of mine use empty shells to construct their burrows. They dig out the sand and place the shells to form tunnels so the sand doesn't fall back into the hole.
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