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Old 02-17-2009, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
I always run a ground probe and GFI.

If you find my thread where the arc went from my pendant to my forehead, when I had the probe out and was fine with it in, {current leaking from a stream pump}, you will see why, plus some good posts there from electric oriented aquarists.
Curious. Is/are your pendants grounded? I've measured close to 200 volts from my clip-on (ergo isolated) T5 reflectors to the water. Used to get tingles when touching both the reflector and the water. Attached a wire from each reflector to ground and the large induced voltage is no longer present. Although it is a high measured voltage, the current capability is obviously not that much or I would feel more than a tiny tingle. Could be that the arc to your forehead was also caused by a large static charge, walking across carpet in a dry room, then touching a metal object. Voltage needs to equalize, so big snap but generally not that harmful.
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