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Old 05-29-2003, 03:23 AM
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Tau2301 Tau2301 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Calgary, S.W.
Posts: 364
Tau2301 is on a distinguished road

I made some tables out of eggcrate and 1/2" pvc water pipe.

Cross drilled the pipe, about 10" long. Use plastice wire wrape to tye it to the eggcrate.

Put down a layer of rock mix, pressed the eggcrate (topside down) into it.
Layer of rock mix on top of that. Used handfuls of rock mix to form pillars around the water pipe - 4 or 5" from the bottom of the table.

Covered it all with damp clam shells to make it hold it's form.

Let it sit in the mould over night. Remove after 24hrs and let air dry for another 24hrs.

Begin the curing process.
bye for now, Kim.
for every vision...
there is an equal and opposite revision.
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