Originally Posted by marie
I bought a new weapon for my war on red bugs. Has anyone had any experience/luck with dragon pipefish eating redbugs?
He so far doesn't seem to mind the flow in my display, one very cool fish

I tried a couple of those guys in my 135 gal. reef in hopes of combating red bugs.....no such luck, unfortunately. They seemed to do ok despite the 2 Tunze 6000 I use for flow, although I think the high current in my tank contributed to their eventual demise(about 6 mo.)

. They were never interested in swimming amongst or around my SPS, instead they preferred the LPS and clams on or near the sand. Although they ate, they were difficult to feed without overfeeding the tank. I have yet to come across reliable information on natural or possible predators of red bugs. I really wish I could find something because I am skeptical of the long term effects of Interceptor and I would always prefer to know the biological solution rather than the chemical solution. Keep us posted on your dragonface,I would really like to hear a success story!