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Old 02-14-2009, 05:52 AM
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Johnny Reefer Johnny Reefer is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Victoria, B.C.
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Two things...
Never did understand why folks order livestock online and have it shipped. What's the attraction? Lower costs? I don't get it. I've never done it and likely never will...anytime of year. Just doesn't make sense to me to risk buying livestock, sight unseen, and then have it shipped, when I can just go to my LFS, or take a cooler to the mainland and ship the stuff back myself.
I've ordered enough times now (yes, dry goods) from a certain lower mainland dealer to know within an hour and a half when the UPS guy is going to show. It's usually two days after the order is placed and savvy tracking will confirm this by indicating "Out For Delivery". And the guy always shows up between 3:00PM and 4:30PM. It's always the same guy, too. And I've had enough deliveries from him to know that he has the same route area, day in - day out. I recognize him driving around in my part of town. So, I've gotten to know he has a pattern and my UPS deliveries will usually always arrive between 3:00PM and 4:30PM, 2 days after I ordered. Quite convenient, actually.

Another item, which is totally unrelated (video game strategy guide), I had ordered on a Sunday night. It was sent from Kentucky, via UPS. I got the guide two days later, on the Tuesday. I couldn't believe it.

Just thought I'd relate a few positive stories about UPS. They work for me.

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