I have the same problem. I started in Oct 2007 with a 77 gal FOWLR, small sump and 4-T12's. Just going to have fish only. A couple months later I changed to 6-T5's added some softies and a small skimmer. Another couple of months and I started buying LPS and my first SPS. Added a Phosban reactor. Tank full, need bigger tank. By the fall of 2008 I changed to a 120 gal, 40 gal sump and 2x175w MH plus actinics. Really started buying alot of nice SPS. Had to buy a bigger skimmer. Not enough light. After 2 months I upgraded to 2-250w MH and 6-T5's. Hauling buckets is a drag, need ATO. More SPS. Still not enough light. Another couple of months and I upgraded to 2x400w MH plus actinics. Added moonlights. Now I am looking for a controller...
I think Reefer Anonymous is an excellent idea. Could help with that really tough question my friends ask, and I struggle to answer, "So how much did you spend on this?"