Mine is quiet during the day but in the evenings he chomps, clicks, and snaps. It is funny since we really thought our powerhead was making those noises. I didn't believe my hubby it was the Picasso for the longest time since I was never looking at his mouth when he did the noises. My guy is just little fellow about 3" long and is a favorite. He gets along with everybody so far, but I did read they can turn out nasty later on. I am hoping not, but will deal with it when the day comes.
What happened to yours'?
Originally Posted by robzilla
here's a pic of the one i had. that fish had the most personality of any fish i have kept yet.
he would constantly talk to you, follow you as moved around the room. and would reorganize any piece of rock he could manage to pick up. frags never stayed in the same spot. when i got him, he was in a tank by himself and i added a few fish, without any issue of him being overly aggressive. he would establish the pecking order, with him at the top, and the rest of the fish would get along well.
