To be fair, I don't know how realistic an inference it is to suggest that because the fish isn't grounded that it wouldn't some how be effected by stray voltage. I've seen it suggested that because the fish aren't grounded they aren't at much risk, but when I think about it intuitively I would assume that if I cut the cables on one of my powerheads and stuck the wires in the tank next to a fish it would presumably show some kind of distress (but as I mentioned above I'm not really qualified to comment on electricity because I'm completely ignorant about its effects beyond what we use therapeutically in physiotherapy).
Originally Posted by digital-audiophile
That is an intersting point that the fish are not grounded. I never thought about that, I always assumed that if I saw fish floating belly up I would know not to stick my hands in.
I really need to get a GFCI. I need to find someone in Calgary that can do it for me.