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Old 02-12-2009, 06:15 AM
Zylumn Zylumn is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Calgary , NW
Posts: 274
Zylumn is on a distinguished road

I had a friend that was an incredible artist and I contracted him to do a painting for me but after 6 months he gave me my deposit back. If you are willing to try It is morbid but it has a neat perspective.

- To start off close your right eye and look out your left eye seeing your nose etc. Now consider yourself lying down with a clouded sky visible with your one eye. Under the sky you can see a small hill with the remnants of a medieval battle that had taken place. You can't see your stomach but you see a lance or sword sticking straight up from your body. And visible over the bridge of your nose a vulture with your other eye in it's beak.

Morbid but WTH.
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