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Old 02-10-2009, 09:46 PM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 665
Treebeard is on a distinguished road

I think the same may be true of boxfish. I am sure I caused alot of stress for the fish in my tank when I netted them from the old 46 gallon tank and stuck them in pails while I set up the 90 gallon. Mind you, I caught Boxy close to first and stored him in his own bucket, but I am sure he was still stressed enough to let his natural defenses kick in. But everybody survived the move. <knocks on wood!>

Originally Posted by BlueAbyss View Post
I'll bet that their toxicity, like that of Poison Dart Frogs, is reduced over time in captivity, due to different diet, conditions, whatever (they aren't sure of why exactly yet, at least with the frogs...).
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