90 gallon display tank, 55 gallon sump (running about 22 gallons) Total system volume about 112 gallons
Euroreef RS80 skimmer
Flow through display tank rate is currently about 300 gph from two Quietone 4000hh pumps.
Lighting is 36" Tek T5 (6 tubes)
Internal tank flow=1 Koralia 3, 1 Koralia 1, 1 MJ 1200 with Hydor rotating water deflector
90 pounds live rock, give or take
Various mushrooms, zoanthids, bubble coral, frogspawn, large toadstool, xenia, kenyan tree, colt...
2 BTAs, sea apple, cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, various snails and crabs, 2 brittle stars
Yellow Tang, Rabbit fish, Boxfish (my favorite fish!), Keyhole Angel, Percula Clown, Royal Gramma, 4 green Chromis
I likely missed some stuff, but that about sums it up.
Originally Posted by Whatigot
no pic necessary, would be cool though...
What would really help would be a good description of your tanks equipment and inhabitants?