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Old 02-10-2009, 06:25 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
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Originally Posted by Whatigot View Post
nobody else carries them, and you're talking to a guy who lives to wheel n
and really ,where can you buy anything marine that isn't overpriced?

I know that they can wipe the tank out, I guess nobody has ever had one or has any links to experiences with them?
I know most consider it not worth the risk, I understand the risk and will debate that for myself once I have some knowledge on them to work with...

I may have to be the first one on this board to try one out.
I can't imagine that I would have any stress in my tank for it and I would certainly spot feed it to make sure it's healthy and happy...

You ever seen something and it just appealed to you?
I'm enamored of this sea
think I'm being pretty clear here but just to eloborate for ya greenspot...
I'm not looking for people (who mostly seem to have never had one) to simply say, not worth the risk, can wipe out the tank, etc, etc, my appetite for risk is my own as is the tank I want to risk
I was looking for comments like treebeards, who actually has experience with this animal.
any links to info where there is direct experience keeping them in a reef or aquarium setting (like your rc thread that you vaguely mentioned) would be greatly appreciated as well.

I do appreciate everyones concern, but I think it's clear it's risky at this point.

Last edited by Whatigot; 02-10-2009 at 06:29 PM.
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