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Old 02-10-2009, 04:20 AM
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Lance Lance is offline
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Location: Powell River, B.C.
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Default My Latest Acquisition

Got a nice Chocolate Mimic Tang from Ocean Aquatics today (thanks Wendell and Jim). He's about 6" and still has some of his juvenile colouring. Very pretty fish. Wife wants to call him "Cocoa" the Chocolate Tang.

He's in QT for awhile, which is a bit of a dilemma. The QT is only 20 gallons and I have an Aussie Tuskfish coming Thursday from J&L. I don't think it's too wise to put two 5+ inch fish in such a small tank. (The QT is a permanent set-up with sand, live rock, skimmer, etc.) I might have to bite the bullet on this one and put the Tuskfish directly into the display. They are hardier and less apt to catch something than are Tangs. Any suggestions?

Another pic of my little algae-eating LM Blenny. Look how fat his belly is from all the H.A. he's been eating.

225g reef
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