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Old 02-09-2009, 08:32 PM
68shelby 68shelby is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: edmonton
Posts: 67
68shelby is on a distinguished road
Smile New to the forum Looking for frags?

Hi Im intersted in coral frags will pay reasonable $$ looking for some sea mats and easier to care for corals. Relatively new to the hobby a little over a year in. I have a 100g corner round aquarium with about 100lbs of live rock, finger leathers, acan lorde, frogspawn, mushrooms etc. Fish I have 2 clown fish, a regal tang, a yellow tang, a lawnmower blenny and a couple blue green chromis, as well as 2 cleaner shrimp a small purple lobster and numerous crabs and snails.
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