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Old 02-09-2009, 07:40 AM
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BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
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Originally Posted by EmilyB View Post
No, not according to the results of the poll. However, it is difficult to condone not Qt'ing or whatever that dipping thing is..

I don't QT. In fact, I bought a fish with full blown ick and threw it into my reef tank, knowing that good food, good water quality, etc. would cure it in a hurry. And it did, because my existing fish were healthy.

However, for the new people, who rarely let their tank mature before adding yet another fish, or adding fish that do not suit the environment, this is not an option.

This is what I would do, I'm sort of a risk taker... But I totally am with you, almost any illness can be cured with high quality food and water and an otherwise healthy environment.

Originally Posted by Pier Pressure View Post
It is quite interesting that everyone writing in is all for QT and dipping and yet the results of the poll suggest most people do not do it.

If you only use a tank for QT - how do you keep the cycle running and the water quality good?
By keeping a few resident fish in there? Something cheap, like a couple chromis or something else that's not territorial. I'm pretty sure that if I had a QT or ever need one it will also have to be attractive, unless I someday have the space for a fish room. So live rock, a few fish, some macro, well lit. New fish would go in there for no less than 6 weeks.

Originally Posted by whosinpower View Post
Hi all;

Newbie here just in the process of setting up a saltwater tank - reef with a few fish.
I'm filling the tank as we speak with RO water.
Liverock arrives late next week.
I'm going to cycle with liverock and had anticipated 4-6 weeks wait time, give or take.

I read all the posts about quarentine and it got me to thinking that perhaps I should have a small tank set up as well as a quarentine tank when the day comes that I can finally have livestock. I think I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Anyhow - my question is this - would it be wise for me to set up the quarentine tank at the same time, so that when my display tank is cycled, then the quarentine tank will also be cycled and ready to receive stock????

Or....would it be ok if I put some filter media in the sump of the display tank while it was cycling and when the cycle was complete....then drain some display tank water into the quarentine tank with the seeded filter media? Would that work, or would I still have a cycle to deal with in the quarentine tank????
Hey man, just a thought... if you are just starting out, you aren't at the point that you need a QT yet, since there are no fish in your display yet. If you are just cycling the tank with your live rock, I would recommend that you wait 4 weeks, get your clean up crew installed, wait another 2 weeks and then add your first fish (or 3). Test, test, TEST after you add anything new to your tank... and then once everything is established, start your QT tank using stuff from your tank. Do maintain the water in your QT to the standards of your display, your fish will thank you for it by surviving any infections (some of which take weeks to show up after you bring the fish home).

And where's your build thread? WE WANT PICS!
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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