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Old 02-09-2009, 06:52 AM
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Skimmer Juice Skimmer Juice is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: calgary/alberta
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Default Euro reef rs 80, and coralife skimmer for sale (Calgary)

I have a very good (almost brand new) euro reef rs 80 for sale. Iam going to shut down one of my tanks , so I got a skimmer up for sale. Used for about 3 months I have it running on a 125g right now. I have a link here with all the info I will pm pics if there is any intrest. $150, the link says $258 wich is $316 CAD , but that usd and you would also get charged shipping and tax
Local prefered , will ship but will have to discuss in detail before I will ship.

I also have a coralife supper skimmer 220g , used for about a year looking for $70
stuff happens when you go outside
Im a hustler / I'll hop in the ocean / sell a whale a splash

Last edited by Skimmer Juice; 04-04-2009 at 06:40 PM. Reason: price lowered
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