Thread: sps help
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Old 02-07-2009, 07:14 PM
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Default sps help

My sps don't seem to color up what am I
doing wrong?

About my tank

It is a 90gal tank with a 30gal sump
2 lumanarc reflectors
bulbs se xm 250 watt 20000k m58 balast 8hr per day
was using xm 10000k just changed one month ago to
xm 20000k
2 t5 atinics 12hr per day
skimmer euro reef rs 135
Tank has been up and running for 1 year
I am using IO salt and add calcium and magnesium to bring the levels up should I be adding anything else to IO salt

I added some Knife Caulerpa (Caulerpa prolifera to my sump.
Is this statement true about knife caulerpa
Excercise caution when using this iron supplements. They can also encourage the growth of nuisance hair algae and less desirable macroalgae.
should i take it out of the sump?

1 yellow tang
1 copperband
1 flame angle
hermits crabs
1 fire shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp


all small frags

At first I was not adding anything to my water till one month
ago I started to add zeovit.

5 drops of coral vitalizer per day
5 drops of amino acid per day
5 drops of zeofood two times per week
5 drops of zeobak two times per week
last three days been adding coral snow

Water parameters

nitrate 0 salifert test kit
phosphate 0 salifert test kit
ph 8.0 neptune controler
temp 80 neptune controler
calcium 450 salifert test kit
magnesium 1300 marine aquarium test kit
salinity 1.025 refractometer
alk 7.6kh
flow is 4800gph
Any help would be appreciated

Last edited by JOEL; 02-08-2009 at 06:05 PM.
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