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Old 02-07-2009, 05:49 AM
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Originally Posted by lorenz0 View Post
i have been using a touch for over a year now. i think its the best player i have ever bought and now cosidering upgrading to a iphone. if you have a friend with a iphone its basically the same thing, minus the fact that you need wifi for an internet connection and it doesn't have the phone feature. i would highly recommend it for what you want.
The touch buttons are strictly for looks, for a music play (minus all the crap like wifi, games etc... since snaz did not mention them in his requirements) a music player is better served with quick access to changing songs and inc/dec the volume, which the touch does not have, sure it's not hard but its not as easy as pushing a button quickly (through a pocket even) that most other players can do. The touch you almost need to look at it. Unless of course you want to pay extra for the remote control units that can change settings remotely. All in all the touch is a gimmick, that seems to have tricked people into buying, plus itunes sucks, there are alternatives of course. I bought into the hype...wish i hadn't. Go to the store and put a touch in your pocket and then any other player and see which is more convenient to use
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