Originally Posted by Dobber
if you are unhappy with your sump system I can build you a really nice sump for cheap.
I got it covered but thanks for the offer.
Originally Posted by johncody
Hello parker. i have enjoyed reading your post's along this thread and have even showed my wife some of the trials you have had to endure. I would like you to know that those complications that you have gone through has made my upgrade from a 90 to a 225 easyer to bear. I know in this hobby we must a one point an time just, " Pull our shirt down - lift our chin and carry on" and i do believe it's these hard times that make the good ones so much better.. So again thank you kindly for the thread and God bless you and yours..
cheers JohnCody
Thanks, it's nice to know people are interested enough to follow along and I'm not talking to myself.