Thread: Apple TV
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Old 02-06-2009, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by midgetwaiter View Post
The lock in thing will continue with these products until somebody decides on a standard for all of the download outlets to use. As bad as Apple's stuff can be I'd have to say my XBOX 360 is worse, it's way easier to put divx content on a disc and let the dvd player do it. One outlet will eventually get enough market share that new market players will have to design interoperable products.

If you are serious about the skimmer PM me, I have a G-2 I'd trade.
+1 on putting DivX movies on a DVD and watching them there... it's just easier. And you can archive your movies that way too.

On a side note, you could always use Airport Express to get your music from iTunes to your stereo. There is even a good workaround for playing all system audio through it, at least if your using a Mac. But lets hope that all the companies eventually start working together on this... like High Def DVD, I hate that there are 2 formats... Stupid Sony
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