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Old 02-05-2009, 06:03 PM
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michika michika is offline
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michika is on a distinguished road

So you all know this is what I received:

"I am sending you this pm, as i work for the government which monitors the internet for unclaimed revenue, I am inquiring to your business license # with the City of Calgary, as well as home business reference # number with Revenue Canada?

Are you also informed to the license required to to sell food products in Canada?

If you have these licenses please let me know them so i can verify, if not we will have to investigate further, and posible penalties could occur."

It botherse me significantly and I am extremely hesitant to go ahead with this. I did contact the City and they told me I shouldn't worry about it, however it is of some concern that someone would be contacting people via PM and addressing them as I was. I honestly am on the fence here, obviously I don't want to incure whatever wrath, if legitimate, this person alludes to, but at the same time...

The mode of communication and the large amount of typos, and informal writing style strongly suggests that its false.
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