Originally Posted by Rbacchiega
The only way I can see someone would have a legitimate complaint about your food Catherine is if it were an exact replica of a brand name food. EXACT. But from what I've read, you've come up with your own blend, possibly using other foods as a refference. There's no problem going that method as far as I know....
*shakes head*
Its not about the content, or at least it wasn't. The person in question has been removed from the forums, and I am very thankful to the Mods for their quick action, and reassurances.
I'm looking into a few things now to prevent this from happening again in the future. It was something I always intended to do, although for a different reason, but further on down the road when I'd better firmed up a few plans and decisions. This is quite cryptic, but I'll sort some things out and then go ahead with everything.
I'll still make food. I'm heading out tomorrow to my favorite LFS to pick up some goodies, and then onto a few more stops for supplies. I am also really hoping that the food processor I have fares better against cuttlefish & squid then the blender did.