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Old 02-05-2009, 04:54 AM
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Well... some people are jealous of your system, and jealous of the knowledge and friendship you bring to the forums. Plus you make food that is "crack for fish". I don't know what you put in the stuff but it works. Perhaps that's what the issue is, the fish are stealing everything in the tank to buy more for themselves They are skipping work to eat the food and have no life anymore since it's all about the food...

Sorry it's a bad joke but we need to laugh about it or they are winning in the end. If you stopped making the food they would win in the end and probably start making it themselves to make a killing on it.

Originally Posted by michika View Post
Thank you everyone!

The person in question and one of the PMs has been forwarded to the Mods. I figure the threat/PMs are not from the source they claim and are not legitimate, however it bothers me considerably that someone would send something like that to me. I have requested that the person identify themselves and prove they are whom they claim to be, we'll just have to see what happens, and I'll go from there.
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