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Old 02-04-2009, 11:36 PM
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michika michika is offline
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michika is on a distinguished road

You know what guys, I am about ready to flat out give up on all of this.

I was the recipient of a threatening PM today over this food. I just want to clairify a few things:

1) I make no money on this what so ever, most times I loose out significantly after I factor in my time. The money given covers the food and bags thats it.

2) This is not for human consumption

3) I started doing this to make good food for my own tank, and help other people out by offering them the leftovers. You can't just make a single bag of food, you'd have an a lot of left over wasted product. I just wanted to help out, thats all.

4) At this point I'll probably just refund everyone their money and never make food again. I am tired of trying to help people out by splitting the costs and volunteering my time. However this is probably the end of that.
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