Originally Posted by tang daddy
Well I dunno what you did to your tank however I had the same problem setting up my new 50g although I think it was a new set up and going through a cyano stage anyhow when I researched how to get rid of it my search results led me to believe that sugar can deal with it. I was feeding my corals heavy once a week as I have lots of softies and lps and fishless anyhow long story short something was fueling the cyano.... perhaps the left over food that didn't get eaten, dosing sugar robbed the fuel for the cyano in 3 days from all the rocks substrate being covered with red slime, it dissapeared never to appear again and I still feed the same once a week....
Another quick few ways is coral snow and ofcourse red slime remover or any other antibiotic which usually does the same thing if you have found another way to make it dissapear fast please let me know.
Great Segway tang daddy,
The fun is over. The tank had run for quite some time (over a year now). The last 4 months i neglected my filtermeida! This I new, and did on purpose to see what the effect would be. Elavated organics. So, I did a large charge of Activated carbon charge in the filtration system. Bang, gone.
This brings me to tang daddy's segway...
One thing first. I have used EM in the past at a quarter dose and it has been very effective, but did lead to substantial skimmer production.
As with tang daddy I too looked at the application of Small chain carbon compounds Ie, Ethanol, Sugar ect... I believe that both the appilcations have the same effect. Activated cabon removes doc's where as the Surgar dose creates Comepetive exclusion with some other critters that use the carbon faster and or more efficantly then the cyano bacter.
Here is my key question...
Both applications work, and granted both have the right situation for it's use. But, Does one or the other have a better effect on the biology in the tank then the other. So, Tang Daddy... How is the color/growth/clarity of your tank with respects to your sps/softies?
Few; that was almost painful.