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Old 02-03-2009, 05:47 PM
johncody johncody is offline
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Default 225 starphire with DIY stand/sump and Canopy

thanks for the input Nazerine,the gate valves seem to be working very well i might just have gotten lucky but no noise and good drainage.I think im gonna have to upgrade the return pumps i originally got Rio2500+ doesn't seem to be just enough.but perhaps after i finish getting some more goodies

ok where was i.....ah right Lighting. So i figured i might as well get some MH so i could go SPS down the road after tank is more established. So here they are 3 icecap 250 watt Ballast's 3 250 watt 10k bulbs and pendants here is a picture.

OK so i built a decent canopy to try and match the stand and house the lighting system. here is a picture of that..

so to help with the heat from the lights i added 2 4" fans on the left and right side of the canopy.

Then i think i got carried away and put 3 more fans on the front lid of the canopy and 3 LED switch's to independently control them.(Don't think I'm gonna keep this setup)?? might make another plain lid/door. Anyway here it is... Don't laugh my wife thinks I'm gonna turn into a Star-trekker or something.(all the red lights).Nothing against them though

Now it just needs some more stain back to the HD..

Cheers JC
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