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Old 02-03-2009, 03:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Pan View Post
I went the other way, downgraded (well upgraded in my thinking) from my 310 gallon system to a 60 gallon system. I missed the unique interactions of life on a smaller scale, which you miss with a big system, not entirely but enough. If I could have I would have run both systems but alas I can only afford one. I can see my shrimps now though...feather dusters, all the little life I missed or was drawn away from with the big tank. I miss my tangs though
Thats another good reason not to go bigger but giving up my achilles is not an option. He appears content enough in the tank now but I know he'd be better off in an 8 footer (interestingly enough its my foxface that is complaining about the tank being on the small side. How come there are no foxface police? )

300g tank
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