Thread: Raising Mg
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:13 PM
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Yes it blows your mind how much additive is required to bring them into the correct levels. That is why these premixed additives available at you LFS do not seem to do anything. I use 22 table spoons of mg added to my mix for a 45G water change using IO salt. This will bring the mg levels to 1400. Once I got my mg to 1350 in the tank I only have to ensure that my water change water maintains those levels. I seldom have to dose mg between water changes. I do the same for ca.

Tom R

Originally Posted by Frenchie View Post
Ive been trying to raise the calcium as well, but I suspect the low mg was keeping it down. I will have to try the dry additive, but the calculator says I need like 600 table spoons? Does this sound right?
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