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Old 02-02-2009, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
That's a fault mode I haven't seen very often. Sorry to hear about the equipment losses. With a loose neutral at the meter there would be a higher resistance in virtually all circuits in the house. This should mean excessive heat in some cases? Lucky the place didn't burn down around you.
ya, Im an electrician, so knew what it was right away. But just got home form work, and the house was dark, and wife just ran outside with the daughter as I pulled up screaming the lights are flickering, the washing machine is screetchng, the place is haunted!!!!!!!. Was in the middle of giving her a bath. I instantly turned main breaker off and started checking. Thank god for house insurance. Got everything replaced.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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