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Old 02-01-2009, 04:59 PM
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Ron99 Ron99 is offline
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Location: South Surrey, BC
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The thing to note is the the iphone is not a phone. It is a small portable computer that has a phone built into it. As far as i can tell the problem with most of the others is that they are built by phone companies and are phones with the other features added in. I think Apple came at it from a very different perspective and that's why they have built such a fantastic device. The app store now has over 15,000 different applications you can download (some for free and some at a small cost) so there is probably an app for just about anything you might want to do with it.

I love my iphone and wouldn't trade it for anything else currently available. It works extrememly well and has tons of functionality for something that fits in your pocket. Yeah, i can make calls wit it. But I can also surf the net, check my emails, use google maps to navigate, listen to my music, watch movies on it, play games, gauge the performance of my car, let my kids play or draw sketches on it or watch spiderman in a long check out line and on and on...

the iphone is really leaps and bounds ahead of anything else out there. The only negative with buying a new one is you are trapped with Rogers for three years. If you can hold off for a year then there will be more competition in the GSM market in Canada and you will probably be able to get a better deal on one. Or if you can find a 1st generation iphone like I have you can unlock it and go on a month to month plan instead of being trapped into a 3 year prison term. Actually, you can now unlock iphone 3Gs too but finding one to buy on eBay etc. will probably cost you and arm and a leg.
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