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Old 02-01-2009, 02:30 AM
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Diana Diana is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Posts: 550
Diana is on a distinguished road

J&L has captive raised H. reidi and H. angustus from Australia right now (H. kuda as well but aren't doing as well). The H. barbouri from the same Australian shipment did not do as well. The reidi and angustus are doing great, eating like pigs, have not lost one yet, and have been in store nearly 2 months. Many babies from the reidis. I have kept seahorses for years, and these two species look to be quite healthy, so if you are considering ordering them I would not hesitate. They have been put on separate tank systems although the odd w/c fish gets put on the same system.

The angustus are smaller but very colorful, and suprisingly have not lost any of thier bright orange or yellow color (I thought they would change like the reidi usually do, but so far they are still vibrant).


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