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Old 01-31-2009, 10:00 PM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Originally Posted by atcguy View Post
make it so eye level is at the top of the waterline, great for viewing.. and buy a mag scraper atachment.. I havnt had my hands in my tank in 3 months.. except to prune.. but bring out a stool to do that... I wish I did this.. my stand is too low
That was the plan but I want some slightly top down viewing. If I had a canopy, then for sure the tank would be at eye level. But with 800 watts of light hanging 20-22" above the tank, that would be ridiculous for viewing as they will shine right in your face. Sitting would be even worse.

Even at 36" for the stand, the bottom of the lights will be around 78". May still be a problem. But much better than having them up a few feet above your head when you try to look at the tank

The lights are planned to be ever so slightly angeled from front to back which will help out too.
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