Originally Posted by naesco
A week or two to a couple of months.
The cleaner wrasse will be out and about as normal and the next day its gone. There are rare exceptions and unfortunately most reefers are reluctant to post their failures (often multiple attempts to keep them). Some reefers don't post because they cant take posts like JGs. The very rare successful keeper of cleaner wrasse are very happy to post their success. Human nature, eh.
Every author of books in the marine hobby will confirm the same and will tell you they are best left in the ocean to do their cleaning duties.
Most LFS staff will tell you the same as well. No one will tell you they are easy to keep.
I remember you saying to me not to keep one and I've had mine for almost a year now, he's fat healthy and happy and I for one am gald I got him. We also got one for my boyfriend's Dad and his cleaner wrasse is doing great. He has had his for about 6 months now.
Originally Posted by Johnny Reefer
If I can do it twice beyond a week or two, or a couple of months, I should start buying lottery tickets again for that rare winfall. Not saying everyone should now go out and buy a Cleaner Wrasse, but I wouldn't say it's rare, under that definition of long term.
I have to agree with you. Say if we get a lotto ticket together just imagine the odds we'd create!