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Old 01-30-2009, 09:19 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Philybean posted
I do not feel that the responsibility of buying only "certain" fish should be on us. If Robert Fenner and Scott Michael feel that they should not be purchases, they should deal with Whole Salers or even countries to ban the collection of them. The fact of the matter is, if a fish is in the store, healthy, eating and I feel that my tank will be a good fit for it and if I want it, I will buy it.``

Fortunately, most reefers do not agree with you. Most reefers strive to obtain optimal conditions for the critters they keep.

IMO the responsibility to ensure that the fish/coral can reasonably survive in captive conditions is on you and only you.
Think about it!!
Alot of our tanks are better homes for these fish than most LFS stores. Wouldn't you rather see a CW taken home and given much better conditions/chances of survival than those at a LFS. It's already out of the ocean, and no chance of going back, so yea there is more than the responsibility of ME to take action against collection. I'm not saying the systems at a LFS are horrible, but in comparison there is ALOT more "in/out" activity, greater stress levels, and ich/disease, than most of our tanks at home.

Think about it!!

Who's saying phillybean doesn't strive to keep his tank in good condition for the critters he keeps?? I don't remember seeing him mention anything about his "lack of husbandry".

There has already been a couple people mentioning they have kept them long-term (longer than you defined as Long-term)...

If you spent half as much time in the rest of the forum as you do here in "Marine Fish" policing the masses, I think we'd all drop dead of shock.
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

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