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Old 01-30-2009, 03:17 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Mortgages are more of an investment in yourself. It's like paying rent to yourself. If the payments aren't killing you, it's not a problem to leave it.

Student loans on the other hand do tend to be more stifling. I found my life improved hugely when I finally paid those off.

Now, if you were to ask about whether to invest in RRSP's or pay down your mortgage .. I have some interesting life stories I could share about that one day over a beer or other beverage of choice, about that particular choice. Actually it's probably quite a huge rant. So um .. since you didn't ask about that one, I'll leave it for another day (and a beer. Don't forget the beer.)
I won't ask until your out west one day and we can sit down for a nice cold beer but I have a feeling I know what kind of stuff you have to rant about.

When are you making your way out West? I hear you mention it once in a while...make sure you let us all know if you do
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