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Old 01-30-2009, 03:03 AM
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justinl justinl is offline
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nudibranchs are very specialised predators that often prey on a single species of sponge, hydroid, bryozoan or coral. often times their food doesn't show up in the aquarium trade so they are simply doomed to die of starvation. i can guarantee that if you are relying on your tank's sponge population to sustain it long term... well, it won't. if you know what species it eats, and have a reliable source to buy it or collect it from, then it will be fine... expensive... but fine. and then, because they are soft bodied, you have to cover all your intakes with sponge or filter floss so they don't get blended in a pump.

martin, i don't mean to drive away potential buyers, but both they and you need to be informed on what you/they are about to get themselves into. for the record, the algae eater you are looking for is a sea hare. not a nudibranch, but related. same rule about intakes applies, and realize that it will eat all the algae and starve if you don't feed it nori (if it even takes nori).
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