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Old 01-30-2009, 02:00 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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I would just go safe and go with ZEOvit. Actually that is what I did. The problem for me with uncontrolled carbon dosing like vodka is that you have no idea what bacterial strains you are feeding. It can be a risk. As said above, tank crashes even.

I guess in my opinion, why do it when ZEOvit does it better and safer? I guess for someone who can't afford ZEO, then maybe but even then...maybe you should just stock your tank lighter and stick within your budget...and by "you" I don't actually mean YOU but thats just what I would tell someone.

BTW, I did try Vodka dosing a while back and killed off half my corals. Some recovered, some did not. I started with a dose of .5 ml with a water volume of about 140G and still had problems. So even when going slow, bad things can happen. Its just way too unknown for me personally.

EDIT: Some of my fish developed a weird bacterial infection too after two weeks of vodka dosing. It did go away as soon as I stopped though. That also turned me off of it.
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