my first thread! So im in the research stage of it it all and was hoping for some advice and help? I am building a house in the summer and want to be very prepared for the tank setup and purchase. First question, their is a window facing where i want to put the tank room (14ft away) will it be a problem? Or what if i got that window tinted or something?
Second is their a club for around Red Deer? Because it is a new hobby for me and no one that I know keeps salt. (not a winer just annoyed that it isn't very popular)
Thirdly anyone breed or make tanks or even want to design plumbing with me for my build? Im leaning towards a 120-180g DT (drilled) with my existing 75 fresh converted into a sump below and im thinking a fuge above for growing copepods.? Ideas would be great but pics would be really cool. O and the tank in wall with a room just for them size being 11'X7'
Thanks guys and hope to learn lots from you in the future!