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Old 01-28-2009, 06:42 AM
Koresample Koresample is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 169
Koresample is on a distinguished road

Bought won yesterday as well, correct, its in the RV section. Tap water measured 180ppm and 'filtered' water from my fridge (new filter) measured 140ppm. I live in Westbank and the WFN is our water supplier. Guess that explains the algae growth. I added Fluval Phosphate removal media yesterday to my canister filter when i did a 10g water change, seems like my algae is double today! I am guessing it will take a few days for this media to have an effect.
Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano

Toad Stool
Colt Coral
Purple Shrooms
Red Shrooms
Candy Cane Coral
Hammer Coral
Moon Coral
Copper Banded Shrimp..and growing
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