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Old 05-18-2003, 02:09 AM
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Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap
I had this idea for a betta-bowl with hidden filtration. The idea would be a pedestal type piece of furniture with a large (?14" circumference) decorative glass bowl on top. In the centre of the bowl would be a tube which would function as an overflow with a hole drilled in the centre bottom. The wooden pedestal base would conceal a sump with heater and filtration. Return from the sump would be via some tubing inside the overflow tubing.
I was at a lfs the other day and saw a betta in a bowl with bamboo in it. The bamboo had roots which would act as a nutrient exporter. The idea has intrigued me ever since I saw the set up.

Anyone using plants, or specifically bamboo, with roots in their betta bowls? If so, how often do you change the water? Do you get algae growth in the bowl?


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