Originally Posted by sphelps
What?!! Since when is that legal? Police can't just barge into your residence because you have a higher than average electricity bill, that's ridiculous. No way I would have let that happen.
Also sorry to hear about the break in Randi, seems to be a common thing these days. My next home will definitely have a pretty fancy alarm system. I would have to agree that the people knew you were gone, most likely a connection to someone you know.
Apparently the building across from us "saw bright lights all the time" from our living room and called the police

They also had out electricity bill records and some other papers. They banged on the door (6 am)...I jumped out of bed and answered and they started the 21 questions about who else is in the place, where the weapons were, ect. ect. I was half asleep and then when my fiance got out of bed they wouldn't even let her put on more clothes. She said the officer at one point even told her she shouldn't be involved with guys like me
We filed a complaint and my dads lawyer got involved but it never went anywhere. We contacted the news but apparently this is somewhat common. They said they may do a story one day and contact us again.
The police (4 of them) basically walked around, questioned us separately and then just left. No apology or anything. Just said they will be in contact. Ha...we never heard from them again.