JAN 22
Started to dose 2 ml per day for now of ULTRA BAK , noticing some of the SPS reacting to the food GOOD.
JAn 23
Ultra Bak 2 ML
small amount of clam food
Added some Carbon to the tank with the phosban reactor. tank is looking alot clearer now.
Jan 24
Ultra Bak 2 ml the sps are starting to color up less signs of struggle with the SPS.
Jan 25
10 gal WAter change tested Nitrates 15-20 PPM
1 ML CLam food
2 ML Ultra Bak
Jan 26
2 Ml Ultra Bak
Tested PO 4 .01
fed light
Jan 27
2 Ml again of Ultra Bak
1 Ml Ultra Min S
The tank is looking alot clearer and bright today in the corals, the clams dont seem to have the punch the maxima look blah...
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.