Originally Posted by Rbacchiega
FYI I've named your Blenny "Miagi"
I prefer Barney....

Originally Posted by Carmen
Oh I love your blenny - so cute. They have such neat eyes! Is your copperband eating well?
BTW My new Gramma is so awesome, great personality, always out in the open and hilarious at defending her home! Opens her mouth as wide as she can to scare away the others. Funny when it's my foxface about 10X the size of her!
Yea, LMB's aren't the prettiest blennies around, but I really like this "army camo" coloring... CBB is doing well.. I am soaking his Brine shrimp is Selcon. He nips at the mysis, but I think they are just a bit to big for him still.
Originally Posted by Chowder
I don't think the first picture is a monti. My guess would be enchino or chalice.
Hmm. Thanks Chris, I'll do some more digging around to see if I can find it.