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Old 01-27-2009, 03:35 PM
spoot spoot is offline
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
I seem to recall always reading foam for no-trim tanks and no foam for trimmed tanks. I used foam on my tank but not sure if I would if there was trim. Does the foam end up contacting the floated glass bottom if you use it?

Seems to me like the trim might really sink into the foam due to high pressure and then the bottom may touch the foam but not as evenly as when the tank has no trim.

Just thinking aloud tho. Haven't had trim on a tank in some time.
The foam for non-trimmed tank is even more important, as the pressure points would be directly on the piece of glass if you had not foam.

For the tank that have a raised bottom pane, the side pieces of glass are actually sitting in the plastic cradle, and the bottom pane is suspended in between the with silicone. With rigid foam insulation (pink or blue stuff), there is just not enough weight to compress the foam so that the bottom pane would touch the foam.

Just a quick calculation to put you at ease, consider a 200g tank, with water etc it weighs about 2000lbs. It you have a 1.5 inch wide trim, on a tank with the same footprint as greenspottedpuffer's new tank, you'd have about 200 linear inches of trim, and about 300 square inches of trim. So if you divide the weight equally, 2000lbs/300square inches =6.6667pounds per square inch, or 6.6667psi. It takes a lot more than 6.6667psi to compress that foam.
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