My GF's boss took her 2 minpins to the SPCA a few months back because she is a horrible dog owner and didnt want the responsibility of having high maintenance dogs.
...she now has a "labradoodle"

some people are unbelievable
I have a minpin/chihuahua by far the most dificult dog to train that I have ever owned or met... everyone else I have met who own simmilar crosses or one or the other, including vetrinariens, have whole hartedly agreed that they are a nightmare to raise. She is now a year and a half and is finally to the point where my better half doesnt want to give her away. I'm not trying to completely scare you away from getting one, she also happens to be an incredible sweetheart and a total clown. Just please please do your research before you do get one especially if it is going to be a rescue as it will most likely have additional behavioral and training issues. I would hate to hear of yet another dog being "re-homed" because no one talks about the bad part of owning one.
(sorry for the novel)