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Old 01-24-2009, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by chevyjaxon View Post
and lastly when selecting your live rock use your nose to tell you if it is cured or not, un cured live rock will smell really foul your best bet is to buy all the live rock at once that way your tank will have only one major ammonia cycle secondly if you intend on buying sand dont get sucked in by live sand there in my opinion is no such thing your live rock will seed the sand good luck and remember you are about to embark on a really expensive yet rewarding hobby
So another question about the live rock (thanks by the way for the knowledge of cured vs uncured) I see many people with all sorts of different live rock. When I was in a "pet store/fish store" the lady quoted to try to stick to the purple rock.....I am still unsure of the reasoning. My question is there are more than one type of live rock, should you keep it the same...or mix and match.... Does it matter about color? or just preference? I am sure there is price differences as well? Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the advice from everyone!! keep it coming!!! I was up until 3:00am reading the forum and surfing the web. This is very exciting......and I don't even have anything yet!!
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